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We’re on the lookout for volunteers for Ride the Night, so if you want to join the cause but can’t commit to the challenge, this is an awesome way to get involved.

Ride Makers

We have a range of Ride Maker roles for both men and women, from helping at registration to supervising the bike racks to supplying riders with well-deserved snacks, refreshments and hot drinks at feed stations.

Ride Angels

We’re also looking for experienced female cyclists, with Breeze or equivalent qualifications, to support on the night as Ride Angels.

The role is voluntary but will involve taking part in the challenge free of charge. Responsibilities will include fixing punctures, marshalling, and supporting anyone who is struggling.

If you would like to volunteer as a Ride Maker or a Ride Angel, we would love to have you. Please email us at with your details and the role (or roles) you are interested in, and we will contact you as the event gets closer.

Very well organised all the volunteers were amazing , loads of fun and food and drinks were great all part of the event 🩷